

  • Grow your coaching skills to impact staff, colleagues, and the people you care about
  • Develop your leadership capability
  • Raise your organisation's innovation, creativity, wellbeing, productivity, and joy with a coaching culture
  • Gain an internationally recognised coaching skills qualification from Victoria University of Wellington
  • Enjoy learning that has flexible time, and deep social connection with other professionals
  • Apply your coaching skills to impact emerging leaders to impact the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


The Leader Coach Experience

This highly experiential coaching programme draws on: 

A world-leading online coaching resource: Learn in your own time at your own pace.

Training: Enjoy interactive online workshops, trialing skills as they are learnt

Peer-group support: Practise with colleagues, debrief your coaching experiences, develop insights, and build rich connections with like-minded professionals

Personal coaching: Receive your own personal coaching from an expert coach to help you align with your goals, amplify your strengths, and overcome the blockages that sabotage your best intentions. Draw on this coaching experience to craft your own coaching style. Book times for one-hour sessions at times that suit you.

Earn a qualification: Completing this programme earns you a Level 7, 15 point "Leadership Coaching in the Global Enterprise Experience" micro-credential from Victoria University of Wellington. This is New Zealand's capital city university and is ranked in the top 2% of universities in the world. The micro-credential is an internationally recognised stand-alone qualification, and can be used as a full semester paper towards an undergraduate degree or a graduate diploma. 

Coach: Practice your skills coaching emerging leaders as they tackle the Global Enterprise Experience from April 24 - May 19. They have the intensive role of pulling together their eight team members from Africa, Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific into a united team to design a social enterprise proposal. It is the perfect moment for coaching! You help the leaders reflect, build their insights, and move forward with courage.

You offer the times that suit you on an online booking calendar.

Awards and Ceremony: You can win the Champion Leader Coach Award at the award ceremony held in New Zealand's Parliament on June 20. You may bring a guest if you are able to attend.

See the full programme details here



Next programme runs from March 30 to May 29. 


Enrolment and Cost 

Enrol here between February 18 and and March 19, 2025. 

Leader Coach Programme USD 1,210 (NZD 1,950)

Victoria University of Wellington micro-credential qualification option is an additional USD 190 (NZD 300) 

Invoices are sent to your chosen payer after enrolment. 

Places are limited. 

Contact Morne Mail to discuss the programme, full scholarships, and discounts for additional enrolees from your organisation: Email: morne [at], or Phone/WhatsApp +64 22 094 0072.  


Who can enrol?

Enrolees must have some experience in leading others in the workforce, a voluntary group or sports group, good internet coverage, and access to a private space for online conversations. 


What our graduate Leader Coaches say

“This course completely transformed my mindset on what it means to be a leader. It’s not about giving advice or imparting your experiences. In fact, it’s not about you at all.

Being a leader is about empowering others to explore their own thinking and guiding them to choose their own action. This course isn’t just beneficial for managers it’s imperative.”

Fenella Brown – Australia



“The course coincided with a sudden change in job role where I had to manage our technical delivery team. While I’ve had team leader roles and done coaching in the past, this course completely changed my approach and coaching methodology.

As I learned, I shaped and changed the interactions with my team. By the end of 2021, executives in other business units were enquiring about the profound changes they observed in my team's performance, engagement, and attitude. Within 6 months they literally went from the team nobody wanted to work with to being our star performers.

I’m only one coach, so what was also really helpful was being able to bring Coaching Culture’s learning solution into our organisation as a way of growing the impact into other teams. We’re getting ready to move beyond the pilot phase, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.”

Joel Arcus – South Africa



“This coaching program has - without exaggeration - fundamentally changed the way I interact with people, both in a professional setting as well as a personal one.

I worked as a team leader over the course of this program, and I carried these lessons into my work and my life with my team members, peers, and friends. The results were absolutely stunning.

The need to connect and be truly heard in today's world is greater than ever and learning to make deeper connections effectively through this Coaching program is an incredible treasure that will not only enrich your life but the lives you touch.”

Timothy Cheong – New Zealand



“Working in the public sector can be challenging. I've found this course invaluable to helping my team members and colleagues navigate their way through tight deadlines and ever-changing priorities while maintaining good wellbeing! <

I've since been called upon to create programs for other organizations, help guide meetings for other departments, and have learned so much about myself along the way.

This is an extremely good return on investment. Take the course. You won't regret it!”

Celeste Derozier – New Zealand



“It is no exaggeration to say that it has been a profound and life-changing experience. The skills I have learned as a coach on this course has been invaluable, and it has allowed me to develop personally, emotionally, and professionally.”

Angus Allan – United Kingdom



“Teaching Entrepreneurship. The Missing Link: The “Coaching Culture Classroom”.

I made it curricular in my courses. Engaging online and hybrid. Breeding tigers. To incubate and accelerate student start-ups. Continuing the family business legacy and passing onto a successor. Developing transversal employment-skills.

Resoundingly successful and mutual benefit for students and personally. Student feedback: “Good! Wow! Amazing!”

A boon and booster in higher education.”

Hans Guelich, Entrepreneurship Faculty at
Stamford International University – Thailand



“The GEE LCT gave me tools for my professional toolbox to help others reach their full potential.

It also gave me the growth and confidence in my personal life to discover more about myself and build strong and meaningful relationships.”

Anna Hinderwell - New Zealand



“Coaching enabled me to connect with strangers on a level I never expected and exposed me to new perspectives. Coaching encouraged me to explore myself and hold the mirror up to myself just as I asked others to do the same.

It can be just as confronting as it is rewarding, but those who got the most out of this experience were those unafraid to open themselves up.

I can confidently say everyone came away from this experience with invaluable knowledge.”

Kayla Crossman – New Zealand



“The GEE Coaching experience is an opportunity not to be missed. It is filled with moments of both personal and professional growth.

Through this program you will learn a lot that can help you grow in your career moving into a leadership role, but also help you to be a better team member by being able to support and understand your team better.”

Lorraine Brown – United Kingdom



“This Leader Coach Training was one of the best investments I’ve made in my skillset, and one of my highlights of 2021!

It teaches essential skills of being a coach, which focuses on effective listening, thought provoking questions, and the focus on the coachee.

The course led to opportunities for me professionally and enhanced my soft skills, adding to the all-important toolbox! I would definitely recommend this course to others, including HR managers, as the importance and value of a coaching culture cannot be understated.”

Kimberley Gaarkeuken – New Zealand



“This course was completely transformative in the way that I now approach conversations both personally and professionally.

I learned the importance of listening and creating safe spaces that allow others to come to their own conclusions through guidance, rather than telling them the answers. It also provided significant moments of self-discovery and many realizations around how much of our internal state of mind and emotional wellbeing can impact our external environment and those within it.

More than anything this course taught me the value that comes from empowering others to believe in themselves and the personal / team growth that results.”

Jadzia Michna-Konigstorfer – New Zealand



“This course guides you on a discovery of self through the lens of others.

To lead multifaceted teams in this modern era, it is imperative to understand the perspective of those we lead, and how their emotional states can impact a group dynamic.

This course teaches how to broaden that lens and create a space to facilitate growth in teams and personally.

Petra Schreuder – New Zealand



“I found the course required a lot of energy, but that energy will be well spent. It provided a mirror, an opportunity to spend time thinking about how I show up, the areas of leadership I find most easy to inhabit, and more importantly the areas I don’t.

The course content is thorough and often requires you undertake practical exercises that help things stick.

Morne and Anelda are open-hearted, passionate facilitators that bring endless energy and commitment to guiding you through perhaps the biggest ‘aha’ moment you’ll have in a while – coaching is probably the most useful skill you’ll ever spend time developing.

You’ll be provided a safe space to learn about what coaching really is, and to practice on and with like-minded people.”

Rehanna Callaghan – New Zealand



“The LCT helped me to become more comfortable with quickly creating a safe space for people to become more vulnerable with me, and to then ask the why and how questions, allowing those I’m coaching to find and commit to their own solutions rather than providing solutions for them.

Not only are you taught the skills to create those safe places, but Morne & Anelda offer you the same safe places, allowing you to journey through your own challenges.

This provides the opportunity to work through things that may be limiting your effectiveness as a leader coach and provides an opportunity for growth and self-development. The best part about coaching is the ‘ah-ha’ moments you get to when you lead your coachees through their own thinking.

Highly recommend it!

Anna Downing – New Zealand



“This coaching course is truly life changing. It inspires and motivates you in extremely powerful ways, enabling you to do the same to others. I thought I knew myself and took the course to learn tools to help others, but little did I know, there was so much more (and still is) to know about myself.

The content of this course is so interesting, you just want to learn more and more. I’ve never had so many ‘ah-ha’ moments before!

Morne, Anelda and Deb create a really safe space for discussions, thoughts and explorations. What I learnt in the course has stuck with me and has really changed the way I listen to my workmates, family and friends.

Would 100% recommend to anyone!”

Sophie Gimblett – New Zealand



“There's growth mindset and there's coaching mindset. This course made me aware of both and equipped me with tools to confidently coach myself and others to bring about transformation.

It's no secret that the biggest changes are those that come from within. Coaching is about examining ourselves from within and asking questions that induce introspection, empower growth, drive change, and result in transformation.

Adding these skills to your professional repertoire will make you influential on a whole other level and this course is that first step you NEED to take”

Anushka D’souza – New Zealand



“You are going to learn what it means to really listen. You will gain tools to have important conversations with your team, friends or family.

It will be hard, but you are going to get practice with other equally motivated and supportive peers. And you are going to learn so much about yourself while coaching others.”

Jessica Ch’ng - Malaysia



“Taking part in the GEE LCT and having the opportunity to listen and hear others share their experiences and challenges had a profound impact on my personal and professional life.

It brought inspiring realisations, significant personal growth, as well as improving my overall wellbeing. It turned out to be the beginning of a new and exciting chapter.”

Sonja Monteleone – New Zealand



“2021 for me was a year of reflection, and coaching with GEE came at just the right time.

It was facilitated by the highly performing duo, Anelda and Morne Mail. Not only are they exceptional in what they do but are kind human beings.

I loved everything about this lifechanging experience from brainstorming our group name with my teammates, to our weekly theoretic sessions, to coaching participants from all over the world, and not forgetting our Covid-friendly award ceremony.”

Tejal Lad - Fiji



“The LCT taught me to lead with heart and empathy; to listen and really hear what my team members needed; and in a way it taught me to be a better person.

Without going into the melodramatics, I learnt how to support when people felt they didn't need support; to implement self-care; and to find and face the voices that go against us.

A true highlight was engaging with my cohort and coaching group. We became a tight unit online, (and even tighter after some libations…) but learning together gave us a chance to grow together, keeping us accountable and on track.

Professionally for me, it's given me new skills to engage with my team, and to add new life and zest to how I coach and interact with them.

Without Morne and Anelda's guidance, coaching would not be the fun skill and artform that it is to me now.

Minto Fung – New Zealand



“I found this course to be beneficial on so many levels, from improving my coaching skills to developing communication tools, to overall becoming a better listener.

Having the opportunity to help others unlock their own potential and strengthen as they push along their journey to find solutions and success was so rewarding! And beyond that, having the chance to chat to people around the world and hear their experiences is something I cherish so much at a time when we can’t travel.

Highly recommend this course to anyone, whether you’re a people person or not, or consider yourself a leader or not!”

Kate Mann – New Zealand



“This course arms you with easy to use tools to coach compassionate leaders, while working to become a better one yourself.”

Alice Dunn – New Zealand



“It was very rewarding to be able to connect with other people passionate about coaching outside my own organisation and learn from their experiences and thoughts.

The course gave me a fresh perspective on coaching - for the experience to be all about your coachees individual journey.

It has allowed me to coach my team to have new insights, learnings, and a clear pathway to success with their own coaching. As a result of this course my team of coaches have developed their own unique coaching environment within their regions that is empowering leaders to be at their best potential.”

Catherine Johnson – New Zealand